To order, print
out, fill in and mail this order form to:
O'Hara Enterprises
Dept. ICSR
325 Hawthorne Street
Orange, NJ 07050
NOTE: If you cannot print out this order form, simply
write your order
on a piece of paper along with item number, size, quantity and
shipping total. If you need more space for additional orders,
make a copy of this order form.
Please send me the following items:
Size Qty Total
________ _____________________________________ _____
____ ________
Merchandise Total: $_________
(New Jersey residents only), add 7% sales tax: $_________
Shipping & Handling Fee (see chart below): $_________
Total Amount Enclosed: $_________
Shipping & Handling Fees:
Up to $30.00, add $7.00.
From $30.01 to $60.00, add $9.00
From $60.01 to $100.00, add $12.00
From $101.00 to 200.00, add $15.00.
$201.00 and over, add $20.00.
I have enclosed a __ check __ money order for $___________.
Name ________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
City _______________ State
____ Zip _________